How to Craft a Killer Content Marketing Strategy?

 Well, this is not another article telling readers why they should create a content marketing strategy. This is intended for those who are already convinced with the fact that they need a content strategy but have either no or faint clue about how to create one.

Certainly good content can do wonders; but the key to maximize its affect lies in the way you distribute it and supplement it with subsequent content pieces. So, join us while we explore how to craft a killer content strategy to promote a business on the internet.

Seek Professional Help Initially

While you may have content developers in-house but they may not know how to go about it, what and how they should be writing Seeking professional help can supplement your efforts, bringing in fresh ideas and perspectives.

You can leverage the knowledge, expertise and experience of professionals for your benefits. However, you need to be careful in selecting your external partner. Once you have one onboard, work with them closely, in order to understand what they do and how they do. Keep a tab on their actions and clarify if there is something that's beyond your understanding.

Invest in PR

You can expect an extra mileage if you invest in getting coverage in the press. This is one of the best ways to get placed at reputed places and letting everyone know that you are there. Don't forget to use this version of PR on your company blog or website. You can drive traffic through it by placing the links.

Try Curation

Well, everyone has been preaching that you must create original content with fresh ideas. That's true, but there is another way out. You can create unique content all the time. Your customers look up to you as a solution provider. So, why don't you work on it?

Refine the info that is already available on the internet in much simpler form. However, save yourself from reposting an existing content. Curation means more than just reposting a content piece. It means incorporating your opinion or message in an existing content piece and presenting it differently. Make sure to add human element in the curated content. Customize it for your audience.

Try Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing is the practice of obtaining ideas or content by soliciting contributions from a large group of people or an online community. If you're active on social media and have some interesting conversations going on, why don't you try and turn it into a beautifully designed content for another channel.

The repackaged content can do wonders without any additional costs. For example, you can repackage your Facebook conversations for Twitter and involve more and more people who want to contribute to it. The web is becoming more and more saturated and it's becoming more and more difficult to come up with the new ideas each time you write a content piece. Crowdsourcing can prove to be of great help.

You know you need plenty of content on your website to keep the search engines ranking you high, and your audience coming back for more.

But, where in the world will you ever find the time to keep up with the demand for high quality content that your audience will find value in? The first thing to understand is what constitutes content, and then to realize you don't have to do it alone.

Understand What Makes Up Content

Content isn't just a certain type of blog post, or an article, or even always text. Sometimes it's a video, an image, a PDF file download or even an app. When you open up your mind to realize that you can provide all types of content in many forms to your audience, it gets a lot easier to get excellent content fast.

Hire Writers to Help

You can use a service like to find freelancers to do the writing for you. Hire someone with experience of writing in your niche and if you want the work to sound like you, you'll need to edit it and add your own voice. But, you can get a lot of content written quickly relatively inexpensively.

Curate Content from Others

You don't really always have to create scratch content. You can be the source for all things "your niche" that will make your business website or blog a one-stop-shop for your audience. Introduce, and provide a link to, important content that you feel your audience will enjoy. If there happens to be an affiliate link involved - even better.

Repurpose Content

If you've written books, or created other content, you can repurpose it. Even if you have already written a blog post, you can turn that post into a podcast or YouTube video. Change it up a bit but keep the facts the same, and the content will feel brand-new.

Keep an Idea File

One block that many business owners experience is simply having an idea. But, as you know, ideas come when you least expect them. If you start an idea file and keep track of every idea you have, you'll be able to come up with and create content quickly when you need to.

Write in Bulk Ahead of Time

Using your idea file, take a couple of hours to create a lot of content at one time. It's a lot easier to do four or five articles or several videos at once on a topic than it is to try to do it every single day, one at a time. When you're working, you will get into a flow and be able to create more in a short period of time.

Keep It Simple

Try not to think too hard about each thing to the point where you cause yourself to have a block and be unable to create content. Trying to be perfect can cause procrastination. Procrastination can lead to not getting things done. If you want to get content fast, you'll need to learn to keep it simple.


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